Sunday, May 16, 2010

See Ya, Sevilla

Well, unless something really amazing happens to me at the airport, this is going to be my last post. It's been a lot of fun writing about my travels, and now I have something to help me remember this semester when I'm old and senile and yelling at whippersnappers to get off my lawn. To wrap it up, I'm going to make a list of the top 10 things I will and won't miss about Spain (in no particular order).

I'll miss:
- The general laid-back, friendly attitude of Seville
- Being able to walk everywhere in under 45 minutes
- Learning new Spanish words and expressions
- Listening to my senora talk to/yell advice at the television, as she is doing right now ("He doesn't love you, he loves the other woman! Leave him!")
- The giant, well-maintained parks and the abundance of dogs
- The incredibly old, incredibly charming buildings
- Good, cheap public transportation (just 12 euro for a round-trip ticket to the beach)
- My Spanish amigos, my senora, and my American friends
- Telenovelas (Arrayan, Aguila Roja, Amar en Tiempos Revueltos)
- Having lots of other countries just a few hours away

I won't miss:
- The second-hand smoke
- Not being able to choose what/when I eat
- Getting hit on by sketchy dudes on the street
- Everything closing on Sunday and before 9:00 p.m.
- Not being able to express myself effectively
- The lack of heating/air conditioning in our apartment
- Having no reliable Internet connection
- Paying way too much for everything
- White asparagus
- Getting stuck in airports, and bus stations, and train stations

Well, thanks to everyone who read my blog this semester! If you're in the mood for some disgusting, greasy American food in the next few weeks I would love to go with you. This offer applies especially if you work for a publishing company and want to give me lots of money to travel and then whine about the places I visit. (Seriously, publishing companies, what the heck? I've been blogging for four solid months and I have yet to receive a multimillion dollar book deal.)

1 comment:

  1. oh hey! don't know if you care, but you totally stole my blog title. you should check it out.
