Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's my week-iversary!

Ah, I've now been in Seville for one glorious week and I would be remiss if I didn't update with a summary of the things that have happened thus far.

Mi Senora
As you may know, I decided to live with a host family to get the "authentic Seville experience". Definitely a good idea. I was assigned a senora-- one woman, no spouse/kids/pets. She's a ~60-year-old lawyer who works at the Universidad de Sevilla. In a word, she is... scatterbrained? Her hair is always a mess, she's constantly running around, she microwaves everything, she talks to herself, she stays out later than I do literally every night, and she's pretty dang awesome. She calls her deaf 94-year-old mother every night and yells Spanish phrases over and over at maximum volume into the phone. She also doesn't speak a word of English, which makes our mealtime conversations much more interesting. We like to watch telenovelas together.

Mid-update update: she just came by and asked what I was doing, and my attempts explain the word "blog" to her were completely futile.

The Classes
Here's how classes go on our program: we start off with a two-week intensive Spanish course (three hours, M-F) and then take four classes during the regular session. Due to what I can only assume was a computer test-grading malfunction, I was placed into the advanced Spanish course. It's really awesome because each day we talk about Spanish history for a bit and then FIELD TRIP! Today we went to Seville's first mosque, built around 800 A.D. Yesterday we went to a museum that featured authentic Roman mosaics from the first century. Yes, that's right, the first flipping century. I'm completely beside myself at all of our field trips because I can't comprehend how old everything is. In America we flip out if anything's more than 200 years old, but here they have things that are THOUSANDS of years old just chilling and no one bats an eye.

The Food
If I have communicated with you at all over the past week, it's 100% certain that I've complained about the food at some point. Well, it's not so much what they eat (I will eat literally anything, and the food isn't bad) as it is when they eat. Average day of eating for a Spaniard:
Breakfast= 9:00 am
Lunch= 3:30 pm
Dinner= 10:00 pm

Throw in that their idea of breakfast is just toast, and I am ravenous literally all the time. Including right now FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST GIVE ME SOME HAM OR SOMETHING

Seville by the Numbers:
Times I have gotten incredibly lost: 5
Times I have gotten somewhat lost: Around 20
Times I have eaten something questionable: 4
Times I have been mistaken for a Spaniard: 1, hell yes!

Ok, I'm sorry this isn't longer/more coherent but I've got to start doing some homework. Hasta luego!


  1. This is so thoroughly enjoyable. It makes my week. Sad, I know.

  2. Personally, I think you should just buy a leg of ham for your room at the Senora's house- it can double as decor and snack.

  3. Estoy celosa de tu- nadie va a creer que yo soy una espanola. :(

    Pero me gusta tu blog. Me hace reir. :)

  4. I love reading this! And I hate being hungry all the time..it makes me more cranky than usual. be a dear and take some pics of the cathedral for me, por favor. Have fun!

    -K hig

  5. field trips??? jealous to the max. TAKE PICS!

  6. Uhhh...What's with the ham? I don't remember you eating that much of it in G-town...
    ps - Like the blog :)

  7. Hey Laura,
    I went backpacking through Europe last summer/fall and I had the same experience with the eating thing. We were pretty much starving 'round the clock for 2 months straight, nice to hear it wasn't just us. Looks like you're having fun, keep it up! I grabbed the link off your facebook, btw.

    Kathryn Hinkle
    (from high school, y'know)

  8. oh my gosh i love reading these. you're such a comic genius. Idea: create a show like 30 Rock (you'd be the head writer, duh) and then make millions.

    Sounds like you're having a great time!

  9. I agree with libby. Millions. This is pretty entertaining to read. Like Kathryn, the link popped up on my newsfeed. Have fun!

    Ben Inbar
